聖達尼老·帕普欽斯基 (司鐸、精修者、會祖)
達尼老 ‧ 帕普欽斯基 1631 年 5 月 18 日生於波蘭,自幼便是勤勉的學生。及長,父母希望他結婚,但聖人意願成為一位神父,於是進入彼業瑞斯特修會,1661 年晉鐸。
聖達尼老 ‧ 帕普欽斯基在聽告解和講道方面,深受教友稱許。聖達尼老感覺天主對他有更深的召叫,他花很長的一段時期默想耶穌的苦難,他稱這段時間為「漫長的殉道期」。
聖人最終悟出天主要他成立新的修會。1669 年在院長的贊同之下,宣誓成立了「聖母無染原罪修會」。新修會的主要宗旨,是加強教導世人認識信德真理,及以告解聖事為重點的牧靈工作。
經過 30 多年,「聖母無染原罪修會」終於獲得教宗承認及批准,聖人於1701 年 6 月 6 日發了終身聖願,隨後並接受其他會士的宣誓;於是歷史上第一所波蘭修會終於成立了。幾個月後,聖人在1701 年 9 月 17 日安逝。
教宗本篤十六世於2007年9月17日宣布將達尼老 ‧ 帕普欽斯基列為真福;2016 年 6 月 5 日,由教宗方濟各宣聖。聖人是聖母無染原罪修會及波蘭的主保。
Saint Stanislaus Papczyński, Priest, Confessor, Founder
Stanislaus Papczyński was born on 18 May 1631 at Podegrodzie, Poland. Initially, he had difficulty with his studies but diligently persevered. He graduated from both Piarist and Jesuit Colleges. His parents had hoped he would marry, but he announced his intention to dedicate himself totally to the service of God.
On 2 July 1654 he entered the Piarist Order founded by Fr. Joseph Calasanctius in 1597 and took the religious name of Stanislaus of Jesus-Mary. He made his religious profession on 22 July 1656 and was ordained a priest on 12 March 1661.
While still a seminarian he taught rhetoric using a textbook that he wrote, “The Messenger of the Queen of Arts”, for which he received great praise. Fr. Stanislaus was also valued as a confessor and for his sermons to the intellectual elite.
Despite his academic and pastoral success, Fr. Papczyński experienced an uneasy period concerning his vocation. He called this time “a lengthy martyrdom” which he spent in frequent meditation on the Passion of Christ.
Fr. Papczyński requested an indult in 1669 and at that time made an oath in the presence of his Piarist Superiors: “I offer and consecrate to God... as well as to the Mother of God, the ever-Virgin Mary conceived without sin, my heart, my soul and my body, leaving absolutely nothing for myself.... I vow to serve them zealously, in chastity, to the end of my life, in the Society of Marian Clerks of the Immaculate Conception, which by the grace of God I wish to found”.
Until that time all religious Orders in Poland had been founded abroad, so it was doubtful that a commoner like Fr. Stanislaus would find approval for this new Society. But his trust in God was rewarded with support for his plan from the Bishop of Poznan, Poland.
In September 1671 he took the white habit in honour of the Immaculate Conception and prepared the future Order’s Statutes or “Rule of Life”.
Two years later, near Skierniewice, he founded the Institute’s first house, which he called a “Retreat House”, with a small group of hermit companions. On 24 October 1673, when the local Bishop made a canonical visitation, their “Rule of Life” was approved. The Marians consider this date as the beginning of their Order.
On 21 April 1679 the Institute became an Order of Diocesan Right and worked to spread devotion to the Immaculate Mother of God and to assist souls in Purgatory, especially those who were unprepared for death. This apostolate responded to Poland’s needs, sorely tried by wars and the plague.
In 1690, wishing to entrust the Order to the Holy See, the Founder set out on foot at the age of 60 to seek Papal approval in Rome. Upon his arrival Fr. Stanislaus discovered that the Holy See was sede vacante; consequently, he compensated by establishing a “spiritual affiliation” of the Marians with several other Orders.
In 1699, too elderly to make the journey, Fr. Stanislaus again sought Papal approval by sending to Rome his confrere, Fr. Joachim Kozlowski, as his delegate. Fr. Kozlowski approached the reformed Franciscan Minors in Rome for the “Rule of Ten Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary”, which included the Marians’ legal dependence on this Order.
Pope Innocent XII approved the document presented by the General of the Franciscans in 1699: the Marians became an Order with solemn vows.
After more than 30 years of foundation, Fr. Papczyński pronounced his solemn vows on 6 June 1701 and then received the profession of the other Marians. The first Polish Order of Apostolic Right of male religious in Poland’s history was established.
Having completed the work God entrusted to him, Fr. Papczyński died just a few months later on 17 September 1701 in Gora Kalwaria, Poland.
He was beatified on September 17, 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI and canonized on June 5, 2016 by Pope Francis. He is the patron saint of the Order of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception and Poland.
Saint Stanislaus, gracious intercessor before God,
defender of the oppressed and patron of those in mortal danger,
you always zealously served Jesus and
His Immaculate Mother for the salvation of immortal souls,
and you took pity on every misery.
Trusting in your intercession,
I have recourse to you,
and I ask that you do not deny me your help.
By your earnest prayers, obtain for me from God the grace…
for which I beg you with trust, and help me, all my life long,
to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father. Amen.