Saint Peregrine Laziosi

Saint Peregrine Laziosi


紀念日 / Memorial date



May 1

Saint Peregrine Laziosi

Saint Peregrine Laziosi




Memorial Date:

May 1

聖貝肋格靈 (司鐸、會士、精修者)

聖人1260 年生於意大北部一個富有家庭,年青時追求世俗享樂,且介入反教會的政治活動,非常激烈。在某次抗爭場合,他摑了教宗和平大使聖斐理伯‧貝尼字一巴掌;聖斐理伯心平氣和的把另一邊臉頰轉給他,同時為他祈禱,遂感化了聖人。聖人改過後,專務祈禱和善工。

在一次神視中,聖母指示他前住意大利的西恩那加入聖母忠僕會。聖人經過培訓和晉鐸後,被派往本鄉服務。在30 年的生活和工作上,他竭盡以靜默,獨居,和不坐下的方式,補贖年青時所犯的過錯。聖人只要一開口,便是一位熱忱的傳道家,卓絕的演說家,和慈祥的聽告解神師。







Saint Peregrine Laziosi, Servite Brother, Confessor

St. Peregrine was born in 1260 at Forlì, Italy to an affluent family. He lived a comfortable life as a youth, and politically opposed the papacy. During a popular revolt, he struck the papal peace negotiator, St. Philip Benizi, across the face. St. Philip calmly turned the other cheek, prayed for the youth, and Peregrine converted.

After he experienced the forgiveness of St. Philip Benizi, he changed his life and joined the Servite order. He was ordained a priest, and later returned to his home to establish a Servite community. There he was widely known for his preaching, penances, and counsel in the confessional. He was cured of cancer, after he received a vision of Christ on the cross reaching out His hand to touch his impaired limb.

He died in 1345 and was canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. He is the patron saint of AIDS sufferers and cancer patients.


O God, in Saint Peregrine
You gave us an outstanding example of faith and patience,
we humbly ask You that by imitating him
and by the help of his prayers,
we believe more fully in Your healing help,
bear the suffering, and come with joy to the peace of heaven.
We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.