Saint Eugene de Mazenod

Saint Eugene de Mazenod


紀念日 / Memorial date



May 21

Saint Eugene de Mazenod

Saint Eugene de Mazenod




Memorial Date:

May 21





1815年馬善樂神父被召到馬賽教區擔任副主教,繼而被選拔為主教。由於工作日漸增多,又參與他為窮人服務的神父也日漸增多,他隨即建立一個新修會,專為最貧窮的地區服務。當時雖遭受一些教會人士極力反對,但他並不因此而灰心,他繼續發奮,且加倍祈禱,終於1816年1月29日成立無玷聖母獻主會。十年後,1926年2月17日教宗良十二世正式批准無玷聖母獻主會為一新修會團體 (Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate) 簡稱 O.M.I.或OBLATES FATHERS獻主會)。

馬善樂於1861年5月21日安逝。由於他聖德出眾,於1975 年10月19日,教宗若望保祿二世冊封他為聖人。




Saint Eugene de Mazenod

Eugene de Mazenod was born on August 1, 1782, at Aix-en-Provence in France, the son of wealthy aristocratic parents. Young Eugene had a very comfortable life. At eight years old, his idyllic world was swept away by the French Revolution in 1789 when the entire family was forced to flee into exile.  

In 1802, when Eugene was 20 years old, he returned to France. It was not until when he was 25, Eugene’s life was gradually being transformed by a “conversion” experience. During the adoration of the cross on Good Friday in 1807, Eugene had a special experience of the love of Christ for him and the forgiveness of sin. This was such an experience that Eugene decided to dedicate his life to Jesus his Saviour. Despite opposition from his mother, he entered the seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris in 1808, and on December 21, 1811, he was ordained a priest in Amiens. His dream was to be “the servant and priest of the poor.” 

Eugene directed his ministry toward the poorest of the poor. Others joined his labors, and became the nucleus of a religious community, the Missionaries of Provence. Later Eugene was named Bishop of Marseille. There he built churches, founded parishes, cared for his priests, and developed catechetics for the young. 

Later he founded the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and in 1841 the Oblates sailed for missions in five continents. Pius XI said, “the Oblates are the specialists of difficult missions.” 

After a life dedicated to spreading the Good News, Eugene died on May 21, 1861. He was beatified by Pope Paul VI in 1975. On December 3, 1995 he was canonized by St. John Paull II, who said of the Saint, “His influence is not limited to the age in which he lived but continues its effect on our time… What Saint Eugene wanted to achieve was that, in Christ, each individual could become a fully complete person, an authentic Christian, a credible saint.”


Almighty and loving God, you led St Eugene de Mazenod 

through the sufferings and challenges of a broken family 

to a life of holiness. Through his constant intercession 

bless those whose relationships are damaged and broken. 

Grant them the gifts of understanding, patience, love 

and courage to overcome the problems of life. 

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord. Amen.