Saint Dominic Savio

Saint Dominic Savio


紀念日 / Memorial date



May 6

Saint Dominic Savio

Saint Dominic Savio




Memorial Date:

May 6


一八四二年四月二日,道明生於杜林基愛里的里瓦 (Riva),是家裡十兄弟姊妹的長子。他父親是鐵匠嘉祿‧沙維豪 (Charles Savio),母親是裁縫彼濟大‧亞加特 (Brigitte Agagliate)。他出生後八小時便領洗,取名道明‧若瑟。雖然家境清貧,但他自小整潔有禮。他的老師常說,道明即使身處貴族家中也不會失禮。道明兩歲時,舉家遷往莫里亞多(Morialdo),即鮑思高神父的故鄉碧基附近。





  1. 我要勤辦告解,並按告解神師的指引勤領聖體。
  2. 我要謹守瞻禮主日。
  3. 我要視耶穌和聖母為朋友。
  4. 我寧死不犯罪。



教會宣告聖道明沙維豪為兒童歌詠團(Pueri Cantores)及輔祭的主保。



Saint Dominic Savio

On a beautiful spring day, April 2, 1842, in the village of Riva, two miles from the town of Chieri, in the province of Piedmont, northern Italy, Dominic Savio was born. He was the second of eleven children born to Charles and Brigid Savio, who were poor, hard-working, pious people. Charles was a blacksmith. Dominic was a remarkable boy. What we know of him comes from a biography written by St. John Bosco and the testimony of family and friends. He attended the Oratory of St. Francis De Sales a school, youth center and hospice founded by Don Bosco.

Dominic was very bright and enjoyed school as well as play. He was well liked and respected by his friends. Dominic had remarkable control over his emotions, and while he could get angry like any of his companions, he was able to control himself in most situations. He was friendly and showed early his leadership qualities and a strong sense of duty. He was a prayerful person and had an ever-maturing spirituality.

The Savios attended church in the town of Murialdo and the pastor, Father John Lucca, knew them well. He saw Dominic in Church often. Once he learned to serve Mass he was there every day. While children of the time customarily received their first Communion in their early teens, Fr. Lucca recognized the boy’s remarkable piety and let him make his First Communion at the age of seven.

As the day of his first Communion drew near, Dominic wrote down four resolutions, remarkably mature thoughts of a seven-year-old:

  1. I will go to Confession and Communion as often as my confessor will allow.
  2. I will sanctify Sundays and holy days in a special way.
  3. Jesus and Mary will be my friends.
  4. Death, but not sin.

As we shall see Dominic lived by these resolutions.

Dominic had a special love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He prayed asking for the grace of keeping his heart like Mary’s, free from every impure desire. "Mary," he would pray, "I always want to be your son. Let me die rather than commit a single sin against chastity."

He died at Mondonio on March 9, 1857. Pius XI called him the “little giant of the spirit”. Pius XII proclaimed him Blessed in 1950 and canonized him on June 12, 1954. He is the patron of the Pueri cantores.


Lord, God of life and happiness, you have given Saint Dominic Savio to the Church as a model of youthful holiness. Grant that young people may grow like him in love and purity, and that we who are educators may be able to lead them to Christ and involve them in the service of your kingdom. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son Who live and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Amen.