塞利納五世紀生於法國摩克斯的一個貴族家庭。她受聖女熱納維耶芙(St. Genevieve)影響,立志在俗世中守貞事主。
Saint Céline de Meaux
Céline, a member of the nobility, lived in the fifth century. Born in Meaux, she was attracted by the kindness of Saint Geneviève. When she met Geneviève, she wanted to preserve her virginity and had decided to consecrate herself to God while remaining at the heart of the world. Celine’s parents, however, had already arranged a marriage for her. Her parents and the young man, who would be her fiancé, were angry about her decision. While Celine had already donned the black dress of the virgins and had done charity work.
To escape her parents’ anger, she hid with Geneviève at Notre Dame church. The door opened for them, and as soon as they entered, the door suddenly closed and locked, locking the two women in. There, Celine was able to keep her virginity until death and to do good deeds. Céline is said to have died on October 25, 530 and was buried in the faubourg Saint-Nicolas.
St. Céline de Meaux, pray for us.
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