此外,他也熱愛窮人,樂善好施,後人為向他謝恩,遂向窮人派送麵包,稱為「聖安多尼麵包」。這大概也與以下軼事有關:1890年8月12日,法國婦女路薏絲布非納(Louise Bouffier)無法開啟她麵包店的大門,於是她請聖安多尼祈禱轉求,並許下如果大門可以毫無損壞的開啟,她就會把麵包施捨給窮人。當鎖匠帶著工具前來時,她先用鑰匙再嘗試了一次,大門竟然應聲而開。之後,她便履行承諾,長期施捨麵包給窮人。
Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Born in Lisbon, Portugal, St. Anthony (1195-1231) was a Franciscan known for his profound knowledge of theology and rhetorical skills. His preachings carried him from the north of Africa to Italy and France. He is called the “Evangelical Doctor” because he based all that he said on the texts of the Gospels. He died in Padua.
Many people give alms to St. Anthony Bread in thanksgiving to God for blessings received through the prayers of St. Anthony.
In 1888, a woman named Louise Bouffier, who managed a small bakery in the seaside village of Toulon, France, found she could not open the door with her key. While the locksmith went to get his tools, Louise prayed to St Anthony that she would give some of her bakery’s bread to the poor if the door could be opened without force. She tried the lock again and was easily able to let her in. True to her word, Louise gave her bread to the poor of Toulon free of charge.
St. Anthony is invoked as the patron saint of lost things. This attribution comes from an incident where a novice carried off a valuable psalter St. Anthony was using. St. Anthony prayed very hard that the psalter would be found. After seeing an alarming apparition of St. Anthony, the novice returned the psalter.
Almighty ever-living God, who gave Saint Anthony of Padua to your people as an outstanding preacher and an intercessor in their need, grant that, with his assistance, as we follow the teachings of the Christian life, we may know your help in every trial. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
資料來源 References
English text: Daily Roman Missal, 2011