Jonah, Prophet

Jonah, Prophet


紀念日 / Memorial date



September 21

Jonah, Prophet

Jonah, Prophet




Memorial Date:

September 21


約納(Jonah)的名字,希伯來文原意解作「鴿子」,是愛、溫良及和平的象徵(歌 5:2;創 8:8-12)。約納是阿米泰的兒子,約公元前 783-743 年間,來自則步隆支派加特赫費爾,一位以色列北國的先知。



先知然後走到城東,在那裡為自己搭一個棚。天主安排了一株極速生長的篦麻,供遮蔭。約納很喜愛此植物。然後天主又使它枯萎,並安排炎熱東風和太陽射在約納頭上,先知很絕望,遂要求死去。最後,天主透過篦麻植物,希望約納反思自己的態度,他會愛惜這棵樹,應該知道愛惜是什麼?「你為這株篦麻,並沒有勞過力,也沒有使它生長,還憐惜它?」(4:10)約納既會對植物憐惜,何況是人類呢?「對尼尼微這座大城,其中有十二萬不能分辨自己 左右手的人,且有許多牲畜,我就不該憐他們麼?」(4:11)。




Jonah, Prophet

The name “Jonah” means “dove” in Hebrew, symbolizing love, gentle and peace. Jonah is the central character in the “Book of Jonah”, Old Testament. He is the son of Amittai, from around 783-743 BC, hailing from Gath-hepher in the North Kingdom of Israel. From the “Book of Jonah”, it seemed suggesting a story of a disobedient prophet who rejected God’s divine commission.

God commanded Jonah to go the city of Nineveh and called for the people to repent and convert. Nineveh happened to be the capital of the Assyrian empire, which destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel around 722 B.C. Jonah therefore, was reluctant in accomplishing God’s command and fled to Tarshish. Shortly, Jonah was cast overboard by the crew in a storm and swallowed by a big fish. Jonah then turned toward God, begging for mercy from the fish’s belly. After three days, Jonah was spit upon the shore, surviving the ordeal. God once again demanded Jonah to go to Nineveh. This time, the prophet followed God’s calling, headed to Nineveh and gave severe warnings to the people of impending doom. Amazingly, all the people of Nineveh―even the king―carefully observed Jonah’s warnings and began to repent, fast and improve their lives. So, God gave the people of Nineveh another chance and did not destroy their city.

Jonah was irritated over this and went to the eastern part of the city and then built himself a hut. God then provided Jonah a gourd plant, giving him shade, when later a worm came along and ruined it. The loss of the shady plant greatly upset the prophet. God expressively pointed out how his care for the citizens of Nineveh, people he created and loved, should clearly outweigh Jonah’s care for a mere plant―a plant that Jonah had neither grown nor tended. Jonah the Prophet’s story highlights the importance of continually doing God’s will and caring for all people, no matter the faith or nationality. Also, it illustrates God’s mercy, patience and love to all of us, as long as we are willing to learn, to change and to repent, we will be able to get God’s salvation.


Lord, grant me the grace of conversion and obedience. Amen.

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