1900年2月14日在惠州淡塘出生,1930年4月19日在香港晉鐸。同年六月二日被派往海豐汕尾工作,數月後返港,任跑馬地聖瑪加利大堂助理司鐸。日本佔領期間被調回汕尾服務。1946年調任灣仔煉靈堂助理司鐸。1953年9月7日,不幸與程野聲神 父一同在灣仔堂區遭殺害。

天主教「公教報」報導 認定程魏慘遭謀殺
「(公教報訊) 本月七日清晨,本港灣仔星街煉靈堂突然傳出驚人消息,程野聲、魏蘊輝二神父,遭暴徒謀殺身死,此項駭人聽聞之噩耗傳出後,震驚了整個香港教區,本港主教及屬下,深為悲痛惋惜。至於謀害原因,現正在調查中。七日晨,本堂理神父照例由大堂到煉靈堂獻祭,但是日到達煉靈堂時,按鈴不應,即覺有異,後到聖堂,不見程野聲,魏蘊輝二司鐸獻祭,更覺奇怪,於是即到二位司鐸房內察看,一進程鐸房門,見程公側臥於血泊之中,頭臉紫腫不堪,頭殼也被打破,襯衣也被撕毀,並有尖銳螺旋武器刺傷痕跡,慘不忍 睹。後往魏神父房內一看,見魏鐸亦死於血泊中,室內文件均翻得凌亂,金錢及教友寄存之飾物,並未缺少。當時理公想打電話通知警察局,但電話線已被截斷,此顯然係匪徒有計劃之謀害。」
在公教報另一段報導遇害兩神父出殯之情形,他述陳鴻恩神父講道內稱:「此次二鐸不幸慘遭殘殺,令人不勝悲嘆,但他們都死在自己的本份上,照 這次的遭遇的情形觀察,他們可能是為天主致命的 ……」
Two Catholic Priests Murdered in Wan Chai
Beaten to Death and Robbed
Shocking Affairs at Holy Souls Church
Two Chinese Catholic priests of the Holy Souls’ Church in Wanchai were brutally murdered in the early hours of this morning.
The murdered men were the Rev. Father Peter Ngai and the Rev. Father John Cheng who were attacked while sleeping in their quarters and apparently beaten to death with blunt instruments.
The murder was discovered by the Rev. Father James Zillioli, priest in charge of the church. He became suspicious when neither Father Ngai nor Father Cheng were present in church for the 6 a.m. Mass.
Both had severe injuries to the chest which Police believe were caused by blunt weapons. The telephone and electricity lines leading to the room were also found cut. Immediately after being informed of the murder, Police threw out a dragnet and began searching the Kowloon railway station and Macao shipping wharves for suspects believed to have hand injuries and bloodstained clothes.
Shortly after the discovery of the double murder Mr. D.G Mcpherson, Director of Criminal Investigation, arrived on the scene with a large party of police. Later this morning the Authorities offered a reward of $5,000 for information leading to the apprehension of the murderers.
Father Zillioli who discovered the murder said this morning he went to the priests’ quarters to investigate because they had not appeared for the early morning Mass.
When he looked into the two adjoining rooms where the two priests lived he found them lifeless on the floor. The rooms were in a very disorderly state, the drawers and chests having been ransacked. Greatly alarmed, Father Zillioli rushed for the telephone and found the phone disconnected.
A solemn Requiem Mass for the two priests will be held in the Holy Souls’ Church at 10 a.m. tomorrow. His Lordship, Bishop Lawrence Bianchi, will officiate. Following the Mass the funeral service will be held at the Catholic Cemetery.
Father Ngai was born in Shen Yeong, Waichow, Tam Tong District, in 1900 and was ordained priests in Hong Kong in April 1930. In June, the same year, he was appointed to work in the Hoi Fung district, Swaboe, Kwangtung Province. In the following year, he was assigned to Hong Kong and became Assistant Parish priest in St Margaret’s Church. During the Japanese Occupation, he was sent back to Hoi Fung district, where he worked with the country people. In 1946, he returned to Hong Kong and worked in the Holy Souls’ Church as Assistant Parish Priest, and remained there since.
During his many years in Hong Kong, Father Ngai became very well-known and loved by the people in Wanchai. He was always very quiet and very friendly. He was mainly responsible for the rebuilding at the church in Star Street, the funds for which were contributed by the people in Wanchai.
Father John Baptist Cheng was born in Hong Kong in July 1918, and was ordained priest in Macao, in July 1944. Soon after his ordination, he was appointed as the editor of a Chinese Catholic Paper, the Kung Kao Po. He was also the founder and editor of the Modern Students, a monthly magazine for Chinese students. At the same time, he was spiritual director of the Chinese Catholic Students Association. He was also an active worker in the Legion of Mary and at the time of his death was the spiritual director of the Junior Chinese Section of Hong Kong. About a month and a half ago, he was appointed as Assistant Parish priest of the Holy Souls’ Church. He was a very popular leader of the young people and took keen interest in the activities of the young generation. (September 7, 1953)
Father Ngai Wan Fai, Peter
*Birth in Huizhou (惠州), Guangdong (廣東: 14 February 1900)
*Ordination in Hong Kong: 19 April 1930
*Death in Hong Kong: 7 September 1953
*Swa Bue (汕尾), Haifung (海豐): 1931 - 1932
*St. Margaret Mary’s Church, Happy Valley: 1933 - 1938
*Vicar at the Precious Blood Church, Shamshuipo: 1939 - 1941
*St. Francis’ Church, Wanchai: 1948 - 1950
*Holy Souls’ Church, Wanchai: Assistant 1951 - 1953
*Assassinated, Wanchai:1953
Father Cheng Kwok Cheung, John Baptist
*Birth in Hong Kong: 5 July 1918
*Ordination in Macau: 26 July 1944
*Death in Hong Kong: 7 September 1953
*Catholic Centre: 1948 - 1949
*Holy Souls’ Church: Assistant 1951 - 1953
*Editor of Kung Kao Po: 1950 - 1953
*Assassinated, Wanchai: 1953
資料來源 References
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