Saint David, Bishop

Saint David, Bishop


紀念日 / Memorial date



March 1

Saint David, Bishop

Saint David, Bishop




Memorial Date:

March 1


聖達味出身威爾斯皇族,母親是聖婦農恩 ( St. Nonna )。聖達味棄俗修道;晉鐸後,跟從聖保利諾 ( St. Paulinus ) 隱居,修務聖德。聖保利諾經常流淚痛哭,以致雙目失明;賴聖達味轉禱,恢復視覺。


聖達味被邀出席伯非 ( Brefi ) 教務會議,他的言論深為全場參會人士認同及支持,大家一致推舉他擔任Mynyw主教。他推進教務,建樹良多。

聖達味臨終前對修士們說:「你們喜樂吧 ! 要固守信德;我一生訓誨你們的事,務需實踐毋渝。」




Saint David, Bishop

St. David was the son of King Sant of South Wales and St. Nonna. He was ordained a priest and later studied under St. Paulinus. Later, he was involved in missionary work and founded a number of monasteries. The monastery he founded at Menevia in Southwestern Wales was noted for extreme asceticism. 

David and his Welsh monks lived a very harsh life. They worked in silence on the farms with solely manual labour. Their food was limited to bread, vegetables and water. They also devoted much of the time on prayers and intense study.

In about the year 550, David attended a synod where his eloquence impressed his fellow monks to such a degree that he was elected primate of the Cambrian Church. He was reportedly consecrated archbishop by the patriarch of Jerusalem while on a visit to the Holy Land. 

St. David ruled his diocese until he had reached a very old age. His last words to his monks were: “Be joyful, brothers and sisters. Keep your faith, and do the little things that you have seen and heard with me.”

David died at his monastery in Meneviadied in 589 and he is the patron saint of Wales. 


O God, who graciously bestowed on Your

Bishop Saint David of Wales the virtue of wisdom

and the gift of eloquence, and made him an example of prayer and pastoral zeal;

grant that, through his intercession,

Your Church may ever prosper and render You joyful praise.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ,

your Son, who lives and reigns with You

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever. Amen.